Monday, August 2, 2010

Powerful Love of Powells

This store is the literal reason why I personally do not ever see myself leaving Portland. A dear friend of mine described it like this, "it's an orgasm for book lovers." Which, despite the graphical nature of that statement I whole-heartily agree with. When I first walked in to Powells I felt these 4 powerful physical symptoms:
1. Butterflies in the stomach
2. Rapid heart palpitations
3. Heightend sense of smell which caused me to breathe deeply the aroma of book glue and paper
4. The sense of overwhelming due to the fact that Powells stretches over a block and has four stories.
So far I've taken it upon myself to explore the realms of the Classic Literature section, the Rare Book Room, and the Children's section (all 7 of the Harry Potter books at half price because they're used!). There's no telling what may come of me at that store nor the amount of money I might spend there. But a word to my family should they ever have a reason to believe I've gone missing... check Powells first before calling the police.

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